Friday, January 08, 2010

2009 Game Time

Continuing on from the 2008 Game Time summary, here is the 2009 summary of games from the GameLogs organised by time played.

2009 has been a bumper year in the amount of games played with 62 games played for and hour or more, greater than one new game a week. Overall the amount of time feels lower mainly due to the pressure of finishing off the teaching degree. 1,462 hours were logged at an average of ~28 hours a week.

Game Time 2009
Football Manager 10156
Civilization 495
Space Rangers 292
Civilization 4: FFH77
Skate 265
Mount & Blade65
Dominions 365
Knights of Honor55
TrackMania Nations Forever54
Puzzle Quest: Galactrix48
Hearts of Iron II48
Football Maanger 0940
Elven Legacy38
Dwarf Fortress35
Bejewelled Blitz30
King's Bounty27
Civilization Revolution26
Zynga Poker26
Titan Quest25
Tiger Woods 1019
Dragon Age18
Majesty 217
Baldur's Gate16
Team Fortress 215
Pokemon Platinum15
Kongregate *13
Depths of Peril10
Quake Live8
Little Big Planet7
Dawn of War II7
Free Realms6
World Series of Poker5
World of Goo5
Vector TDx4
Paper Toss4
GeoDefense Swarm4
World of Warcraft3
Club Penguin3
PS3 Demos *3
iPhone demos *3
Rollercoaster Tycoon 23
Tower Bloxx3
Wii Fit3
Guitar Hero III2
Street Fighter IV2
Neverwinter Nights 22
Flight Control2
Mafia Wars2
Company of Heroes2
Guitar Hero: World Tour1

And the winner is Football Manager (again) as the biggest timesponge on my computer. I'd also probably lump Civ4, Civ4:FFH, Colonization and CivRev into one category and contend the title, but FM09 would keep Football Manager in the hunt too.

One thing to note is that the games I made AARs for were all up in the top bracket. Possibly a bit of natural selection; a good game prompted me to write up an AAR, and doing the AARs kept the interest longer.

Honorable mentions to TrackMania as it was played across the most week / fortnightly reports, and Bejewelled Blitz for getting there too for such a simple game. Both offered simple relaxation after work.