Was going to do a reflection piece fo rthe 200th GameLog, but it'll have to wait for the holidays, totally snowed under at the moment.
Grepolis (40h) - VRBones, rank 159, 5 cities. Guesstimate at the time as it keeps sneaking a 1/2 hr or hour off me a couple of times a day. Farming is still painful, but the alliance certainly makes it play out longer.
Terraria (15h) - Steam says 35h, but I've left a server up and I think it must have tracked that (or Cam has been sneaking in more than I thought)
League of Legends (5h) - little filler time between the 40 minute grepo farming runs. Record for comp stomp now 15:57
Nothing else to report. Not even a facebook game. Feeling very edgy to code something, so I think oveer these hols in a couple of weeks I might start on Notorious or finish up Factor Friends